St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Kolkata, over the years, has staged the most exquisitely skilled and prodigiously built souls of the country. The Xaverian essence of Nihil Ultra...Nothing Beyond has been the steering light and has bestowed every Xaverian with immense strength, pushing them to delve into a plethora of opportunities. We aspire to scale greater heights and create finer avenues of supremacy with Xavotsav 2020 to be held on 22nd, 23rd and 24th January 2020. Xavotsav is the annual cultural spectacle organised by the St. Xavier's College Students' Council. The voluminous range of events extend across the fields of performing arts, digital arts, fine arts, literature, lifestyle and sports. Every year we strive to make Xavotsav grander than ever before. Through the years, the likes of Shankar Mahadevan, Papon, Lost Stories, Sevenn, Shirley Setia, Gajendra Verma, Sorabh Pant, Mariano Bo, Euphoria and others have adorned Xavotsav with their paramountcy. This year Xavotsav presents the theme 'PICTURING PARADISE'. As our lives embrace the magical dimensions of Utopia, we rise beyond the trivialities of everyday existence. In Paradise, the uncertainties of our moral world are swept away by the forces of love, harmony, compassion and conscience. Souls engaged in petty tussles unite in moulding their own Paradise. Here every day is miraculous and alluring smiles testify the diversity and strength of our aspirations of creating for humanity a safe haven of sheer bliss. This picture thus painted on the mega canvas of Earth, holds the key to the world enthrallment. It'll be an amalgamation of the brightest hues, the finest skills and the happiest hearts. So open your eyes to this magnanimous sketch and get ready to soar above the boundaries of mankind, ramble into Paradise and witness the surreality for yourself. With 77 events spread across 13 genres, Xavotsav 2020 will push you beyond the walls of your comfort zone, enable you to test your caliber and realise your potential. With the wide range of categories, Xavotsav 2020 guarantees a platform to the most magnificent talents. The standards will be raised to a whole new level. As every year, 22nd, 23rd and 24th January 2020 will help students reclaim their strengths and rediscover their assets. As we ardently wait for the days to go by, be assured that your conception of Paradise will be tangible, sooner than you know!